Sunday, October 4, 2015

Juggernaut Revelation

Yurnero, or what is better known in the DOTA 2 community as ‘The Juggernaut’, is one of the most commonly used heroes in DOTA 2 public matches. In fact, it is ranked among the top 10 most used heroes. 

However, contrary to his popular in-game presence, the real face of DOTA 2’s Juggernaut was always unknown. In DOTA, Yurnero’s appears as a red skinned, sword-wielding ogre with pointy tusks, who’s face could be immediately recognized. DOTA 2 introduces the new Juggernaut as a half-ninja-half-samurai-looking warrior, who apparently fancies hiding his face by wearing masks.

Though it is not impossible to reveal what the mask hides, it does require some money and effort to accomplish the goal. Nonetheless, this is one of the ways to do so:

1. Create a Juggernaut Effigy using Juggernaut’s ‘Wandering Demon of the Plains’ set (or find someone who owns one).

2. Approach the effigy inside the game.

3. Click the effigy, and spam both left and right clicks on the effigy.

4. Spam screenshot while doing so.

5. In one of the screenshots, Juggernaut’s hero icon will reveal a Juggernaut without any of his set equipment, including his mask.

It might be quite disappointing to find out that DOTA 2’s juggernaut is wearing another mask inside his mask, though it is still arguable whether his real face actually looks like a mask. Still, it might be fulfilling for some DOTA 2 players to discover this information. This trend of wearing masks gives Juggernaut a more elite appearance compared to the DOTA version, and it  contributes his features to his main attribute of agility – which evidently works as a marketable aspect, looking at the abundance of available sets and the number of people purchasing those sets.

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