Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Direct Link

Here's the direct link to watch the video on Youtube. Please click here.


Team 6 members; Silvester, Johnny, Max, and Sin, are gathering to play DOTA 2 together. While Max considered on playing the role of a durable, Sin decided to go random. Unexpectedly, he got Earthshaker. Since nobody knows anything about Earthshaker, everyone tries to find a guide on that particular hero. That is when Max stumbled upon a video called "ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT EARTHSHAKER". Want to find out about it? Click the video below!

Monday, October 26, 2015

Dota Dictionary - Roles

"Carry", "tank", "support" - these terms must be very familiar in the ears of veteran DOTA players. However, most people acquire their knowledge about these so-called 'DOTA roles' merely from experience. In result, most people still recognise such roles solely based on the heroes belonging to each class, instead of understanding what the roles actually represent. In fact, most DOTA players don't even know that the famous "hard-carry" and "ganker" are not official roles.


There are only 10 official roles that were published in the DOTA community. These include: carry, durable, support, lane support, jungler, pusher, nuker, initiator, disabler, and escape. Contrary to popular belief, no hero is fixed to any one role. Although it is true that every hero is best suited to some roles than the others, players could always play their hero following a different role - even any role for that matter - if the game situation allows for such scenario. To become better in switching roles, it is crucial to first learn and identify each existing roles;

Carry heroes benefit the most from long-term farming. They excel during late-game, but are very weak and dependant during early-game. They specialise in killing heroes, although some carries still need to pick their opponents. In short, they are the bringers of victory.


Durable heroes are what people usually refer to as "tanks". Most of them have abundant health points or massive armour. However, some durables also specialise in damage mitigation. The main responsibility of a durable is to become the targeted shield for the team.


As their name implies, the duty of support heroes is to help their teammates stay alive, and earn as much gold as possible while they are. They are the designated courier, wards, and other perishables purchaser - though the burden can be delegated. Instead of kills, they aim for assists.


Lane support:
Lane support is a subrole of support hero that is especially suited to babysit carry heroes in lanes, either by prolonging their life (heal), or shortening the enemy's (harass). Most of them does not require much gold-farming, hence they could pass it to the carries.


Junglers have the ability to start farming neutral creeps either from the beginning of the game or sometime still in the early-game. The best junglers could camp in the jungle and does not require travelling back to the fountain due to their healing, health regenerating, or life-stealing factors.


Pushers are brilliant creep-leaders. Their strength lies in dragging the creep rendezvous to the enemy's tower, and destroying the tower as well, in the shortest amount of time. Fitting to this nature, most pushers are also talented rats; heroes capable of backdoor or pushing without notice.


Heroes classified as nuker possess spells that deals a great amount of damage, be it single-targetted or area-of-effect. Most nukers are combo-equipped, with their 'nuke' as the trump card. Their instant and tremendous burst-damage output makes them a reliable game-changer.


To put it simply, initiators are good at commencing team-fights. During pre-war moments, initiators have a key position to set the stage as favourable as possible. Even if an initiator does not start a war, most of them are also equipped with abilities that could turn the tide against the enemy.


Disabling spells are skills that could alter the properties of an enemy hero to their own disadvantage, and disablers have a bunch of such spells. This makes them great crowd-controllers, as they could cease enemy's line of combo during wars and ganking attempts.


Escape heroes have at least one spell at their disposal that allows them to flee from ganks, wars, or chases. For this reason, escape heroes are suitable for going solo on a lane, since they have a lower risk of successfully getting ganked by the opposing team.



There are some other unofficial terms used to indicate roles that specify the already existing roles. These are created by players to ease hero selection;

Hard carry:
Hard carry heroes are carries that is heavily item-reliant. Without items, even if they have reached level 25, the things that they could do to help their team is still very limited.


Semi carry:
The so-called "mid heroes", semi carries are carry heroes that is level-reliant. They can still contribute without completing items. However, they are not as dominating during late-game.


Gankers are experts in team-fights. However, instead of initiating a war with the opposing team, gankers are more specialised in kidnapping a single enemy.


Roamers specialises in global map control. Roaming heroes doesn't require much farming, and they focus on progressing by assisting teammates in multiple lanes. They are the ward sowers.


When teammates decides to play a jungle hero or to use the tri-lane strategy, an off-laner is a hero who is capable of going solo on the unfavourable lane (Radiant: top, Dire: bottom).


Mr. Kaolin
Earth spirit or as referred to kaolin, is a highly adaptable strength hero with great utility. He can be used as initiator, disabler, nuker, and has the potential to carry team in early to mid game. Playing as Kaolin can be quite challenging, as his skills is synergy one to another. It takes practice to be able to use this hero properly.

Kaolin has 4 skill with addition to another 1 if used with Aghanim scepter. Those skills are:
  1. Boulder smash: This skill will allow earth spirit to smash enemy unit with his stone remnant or with other unit. The smashed unit will also experience stun. This skill can be very useful in early game, as it allows earth spirit to stun and disable enemy unit while dealing damages. This skill can also be used to push enemy heroes to cliff.
  2. Rolling boulder: This abilities will allow earth spirit to travel a certain distance while rolling. If an enemy hero is hit while kaolin rolling, that enemy unit will be dealt with damage. This skill is useful to initiate war, and escape from enemy.
  3. Geomagnetic grip: Earth spirit will pull a stone remnant or friendly unit while dealing damage and silent to hit enemy unit.
  4. Magnetize: This skill is the ultimate skill of earth spirit, this skill will affect a small area around Kaolin, dealing damages per second. this skill is useful to initiate war or event in when mobile ganking.
  5. enchant remnant: can only be unlocked by purchasing Aghanim scepter. This skill will allow earth spirit to turn enemy or ally unit to a stone remnant.

The Best Late-Game Carry

Everyone had that one game where it goes more than an hour long, forcing players of both teams to literally play 'Defense of the Ancients'. During those times, people often wonder about what hero would reap the most benefit from such a prolonged battle condition. A hero that could wipe the enemy team in one fell swoop. Arguably, in no particular order, these 3 heroes could be considered as the top contenders of the late-game carry league:

1. Medusa.

After farming for more than an hour long - stacking ancients and whatnot - Medusa would have had enough mana pool to let Mana Shield turn her into quite a tank. Combined with her damage-amplified Split Shots, even waves of mega creeps won't keep her for long. This allows Medusa to kill enemy heroes without having to actually focus on them one-by-one, while, on the other hand, enemy heroes should really consider focusing on her.

2. Faceless Void.

Even without getting farm-fed, Faceless Void never fails to keep enemies on the edge of their seats, carefully watching out for his dreadful Chronosphere. Locking anything inside while disabling anyone in any possible way, Chronosphere really does provide an exorbitantly dominant arsenal for him, providing 5 long seconds for a well-farmed Faceless Void to eliminate quite possibly any opposing carries. Add a Battle Fury with an extra wombo-combo from his teammates to that, and you have an aggressively high chance for a team-wipe at your disposal.

3. Ember Spirit.

Simply put, Sleight of Fist allows you to attack enemies without being attacked. When the game goes over 60 minutes, waves of creeps - and heroes for that matter - are more likely to compile. Using Sleight of Fist on these crowds gives Ember Spirit a longer period of being invincible as he attacks each and every enemy unit in the targeted area. Moreover, the Fire Remnant's ability to kite in-and-out of battles decrease the risk of dropping Divine Rapiers by folds, so Ember Spirit could stack-purchase that blessed monstrosity of an item and ceaselessly wreak havoc on enemy teams. With Magnus or Enigma by his side, a one-hit rampage is not just a dream anymore.

Sunday, October 11, 2015


Phantom Assassin

Melee - Carry - Escape


13 + 1.00
23 + 3.15
20 + 1.85
23 - 25

Stifling Dagger

Throws a dagger which deals pure damage and slows the enemy unit's movement speed, while also applying attack effects from items and abilities.

Phantom Strike

Teleports to a unit, friendly or enemy, and grants bonus attack speed while attacking if it's an enemy unit.


Phantom Assassin focuses inward, increasing her ability to evade enemy attacks, and allowing her to blur her body to disappear from the enemy team's minimap when far from enemy heroes. Stacks diminishingly with other sources of Evasion.

Coup de Grace

Phantom Assassin refines her combat abilities, gaining a chance of delivering a devastating critical strike to enemy units. Stifling Dagger shares the same critical strike chance.


Through a process of divination, children are selected for upbringing by the Sisters of the Veil, an order that considers assassination a sacred part of the natural order. The Veiled Sisters identify targets through meditation and oracular utterances. They accept no contracts, and never seem to pursue targets for political or mercenary reasons. Their killings bear no relation to any recognizable agenda, and can seem to be completely random: A figure of great power is no more likely to be eliminated than a peasant or a well digger. Whatever pattern the killings may contain, it is known only to them. They treat their victims as sacrifices, and death at their hand is considered an honor. Raised with no identity except that of their order, any Phantom Assassin can take the place of any other; their number is not known. Perhaps there are many, perhaps there are few. Nothing is known of what lies under the Phantom Veil. Except that this one, from time to time, when none are near enough to hear, is known to stir her veils with the forbidden whisper of her own name: Mortred.


Hit Points
1800 / 800
Sight Range
Attack Range
Missile Speed


Stifling Dagger

Throws a dagger which deals pure damage and slows the enemy unit's movement speed, while also applying attack effects from items and abilities.
Mana Cost Mana Cost: 30/25/20/15
Cooldown Cooldown: 6
ABILITY: Unit Target
AFFECTS: Enemy Units
SLOW DURATION: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
HERO DAMAGE: 30 / 50 / 70 / 90
CREEP DAMAGE: 60 / 100 / 140 / 180

Phantom Strike

Teleports to a unit, friendly or enemy, and grants bonus attack speed while attacking if it's an enemy unit.
Mana Cost Mana Cost: 50/50/50/50
Cooldown Cooldown: 14/11/8/5

ABILITY: Unit Target
RANGE: 1000 / 1000 / 1000 / 1000


Phantom Assassin focuses inward, increasing her ability to evade enemy attacks, and allowing her to blur her body to disappear from the enemy team's minimap when far from enemy heroes. Stacks diminishingly with other sources of Evasion.

ABILITY: Passive
EVASION: 20% / 30% / 40% / 50%
MAP VANISH RADIUS: 1600 / 1600 / 1600 / 1600

Coup de Grace

Phantom Assassin refines her combat abilities, gaining a chance of delivering a devastating critical strike to enemy units. Stifling Dagger shares the same critical strike chance.

ABILITY: Passive
CRITICAL DAMAGE: 230% / 340% / 450%